Belonging | Respect | Integrity | Diversity | Generosity | Effort

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Volunteers at Place Bridge

On October 29th we had volunteers from ECBC come and help give show the school a little love. They cleaned windows, doorknobs, and built anything that needed to be built. Thank you guys!

PBA Newsletter

PBA Newsletter Place Bridge Academy’s newsletter, is up to date and available for you too see. Please feel free to contact Marisol Chavez with questions or to share your feedback and/or suggestions to help us improve. Email me at

Student Achievement

PBA’s Road Runner Studios

Roadrunner Studios is a student run studio that operates out of the Place Bridge Academy STEM lab.  We write our own scripts, direct our own productions and are learning to edit our videos to ensure quality and appeal.   We areContinue Reading


Here is the link for our Facebook

Upcoming Events